Liturgical notes

God: A Community of Persons Three things that go together…

Pentecost Sunday 20-05-18

Our weekly News letter

Liturgical notes

Pentecost: The Spirit of Love, Truth, and Unity Jesus prayed…

Ascension of the Lord 13th May 2018

Our weekly News letter

Liturgical Notes

Jesus’ Ascension: He Will Return St. Luke records that Jesus…

Liturgical Notes

Two Kinds of Love – Two Kinds of Life Love and life go hand-in-hand.…

5th Sunday of Easter 29th April 2018

Our weekly News letter

Liturgical Notes

The Key to Effectiveness Bishop Fulton Sheen noted that the…

4th Sunday of Easter 22th April 2018

Our weekly News letter

Liturgical Notes

One Saviour, One Church One of the greatest illusions is…