To register your child for Confirmation

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The celebration of Confirmation is a sacred and important moment on a long journey of faith development. Together with Baptism and First Holy Communion it opens the door to full membership of the Christian community. There are 3 parts – Enrolment of Confirmation, Commitment Service and Confirmation Day.

Dates for the Diary : Friday, 19th April 2024 Presentation Primary School at 2pm.

Your own faith carried your child to Baptism and has continued to nurture and develop that faith in your child. Your child’s Confirmation completes this initiation into our faith. Your child becomes a member of the Church, a Christian called to play a part in revealing the Gospel of Jesus to our world. Confirmation completes what was begun at Baptism and is affirmed and confirmed by the candidate with the gift of the Holy Spirit. As your Parish Priest, I am anxious that both you and the candidate decide about whether or not you wish to receive this sacrament. It would be wrong of me or of your teacher to assume that it should happen automatically just because your child has arrived into Fifth / Sixth class. It is the choice of you both and the faith commitment of both of you is an essential aspect of the choice. Along with the great preparation work being done by the teachers in our schools, the Parish also wishes to support you and your child at this time and so I bring the following to your attention.

I ask the candidates and their parents to apply to be confirmed online from our Parish Web page. Go to Click on Sacraments / Scroll down to Confirmation & Click to register by Friday, 20th October 2023. The celebration of Confirmation is a sacred and important moment on a long journey of faith development.  The preparation will consist of four events: –

  1. Mission Mass – Blessing of Confirmation Candidates Sunday, October 8th at 11.30 a.m.
  2. Enrolment Night of Confirmation candidates taking place in St. Mary’s Church on Saturday, 18th November 2023 at Vigil Mass at 6.15 p.m. I’m asking each candidate and their parents / family members to be present. Candidates will also be offered to take the pledge.
  3. For parents of children preparing for Confirmation Dr Dan O’Connell, Mary Immaculate Collage, Limerick will present a Webinar on Confirmation on Wednesday Nov 22nd at 7.30pm. To register for this event go into click on link  Confirmation – Journeying with your child
  4. Prayer Service with a guest speaker – early February 2023. (More details later)


      God Bless Canon Declan O’Connor P.P.

1st Holy Communion is announce ,Click Here