The Parish Financial Council is made up of a committee of people from the parish that help the Parish Priest in the administration of the goods of the parish and oversee its finances. The-members meet regularly and are governed by universal law and the Kerry Diocesan Administration Finance Regulations of ‘Best Practice Guidelines’.

  • Fr Declan O’Connor

  • Jim White (Chairman)

  • Maura Joy (Secretary)

  • Kieran Moloney

  • Shane O’Donoghue

  • Catherine Leahy

Offertory Collection The weekly Offertory Collection is taken up during Mass. It is the cash you put on the Offertory Plate and the regular, weekly, white envelopes. It is used for the day-to-day expenses and the capital expenditure of the parish which includes: the Diocesan Levies / Staff Wages / Insurance & Security / Light & Heat / Routine and Capital Expenditure / Telephone / Printing / Postage / Stationary / Altar Requisites / Missalettes.  The priest\’s income is separate and is not paid from this collection and it is dealt with under its own heading. The Rathmore Fund is the offering that supports sick and retired priests.

Priest\’s Income The priest\’s income (salary) comes from two sources, firstly, the Special Collections held in the Spring and Autumn, and the November and Christmas Offerings and, secondly, the offerings given for Baptisms, Funerals & Weddings. The priest is considered as self-employed by the Revenue Commissioners and he pays his own income tax directly each year. The salary was €36,791.00 and €8,500.00 was given to the Diocesan Fraternity Fund which supports the priests of poorer parishes within the Diocese. Also over €3,000.00 was given to the Diocesan Multiple Stipend Fund from Mass Offerings, which goes to the Bishop\’s charity. The Parish pays half of the priest\’s VHI and half of the Presbytery heating oil. Your generosity and support of your priest(s) is very much appreciated.

Parish Envelope System
Some notes on our Financial Statements

Over the past 12 months we continued various repairs and maintenance works to our parish buildings.

The Diocesan Levies go towards the administration costs of the Diocese and are used solely for this purpose. The Parish Finance Council expresses sincere thanks to you for your financial support. Your generosity is much appreciated and makes it possible to run the parish and undertake these structural activities when necessary.